Wednesday 15 January 2014

Two Liebster Awards

Hi everyone,

So this week I got a comment from the lovely blog nominating me for a Liebster award. I was really shocked as I only started this blog a couple days before and didn't expect anybody to read it. I then got another nomination from Laura who's blog is :)

There are some steps that we have to follow :

Mention the person who nominated you with a link in their blog. Answer the 11 questions provided by the person who nominated you. Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers. Create a new set of 11 questions for your nominees to answer.

Here are the questions which I got set by my first nomination:

1. What do you expect in 2014.?
I expect 2014 to be a good year hopefully! I hope to pass my first year of A Levels and pass my driving test!
2. Love or money ?

At my age, I'd chose money. Only because I'm 16, if I was 20ish I'd probably say love haha!
3. Describe yourself in three words.

Fun, happy, Individual
4. Favorite singer ?

One Direction/Little Mix
5. Favorite drink ?

Black current and lemonade mixed! If you haven't tried it do, it's the best!!!
6. Facebook or Twitter ?

Twitter deffo
7. Favorite animal ?

8. Will Smith or Johnny Depp ?

Will smith
9. Sugar or salty ?

10. Why did you started to blog ?

My two friends Lucy and Maisie who also have blogs encouraged me to start posting.
11. Red or pink color ?

I'm not a lover of either but I prefer Pink lipstick so pink.

My second set of questions set by Laura :)

1. What is your favourite film and why?
Pitch perfect is my fave, it's just absolutly hilarious!! 
2.  Who's your favourite superhero?
I don't really have one, not really into superheros....

3.  If you could go back in time where and when would you go to?
We spoke about this at sixth form the other day, I said the 60's because of the clothes and how cool everyone was haha
4.  If you could be anyone in the world who would you be?
Kate Middleton! Imagine being prince Harrys sister in law oooooh

5. If you could live anywhere you wanted where would you live?
6. Would you rather have to watch Justin Bieber- Baby on replay  for 24 hours or scratch a wall for 3 hours?
Watch Justin Bieber, love a bit of the biebs
7. Would you rather meet your favourite singer or your favourite actor (Who)?
Favourite singer(s), One Direction (they count as one)
8.  What alcohol do you drink?
Not a lot really but cider and I do like beer! Hate champagne and wine!!!
9. What is your favourite type of make up?
Powder because I've got V oily skin but favourite brand I'd say rimmel
10. If you could only wear one style of hair, what would it be?

My natural hair how I wear it every day! Its wavy but i'd have it longer if I could chose haha!

I have been reading a lot of new blog lately so here are my 11 nominations:)
(I did chose Laura ( as I wrote this before she nominated me but I changed hers to another blog as Laura had already wrote the blogpost:))

My 11 questions I am setting my nominees are

1. Where are you from?
2. What do you want to do as a job?
3. Cats or dogs?
4. When did you start blogging? 
5. What made you start blogging?
6. What is the hardest part of blogging for you? 
7. Favourite beauty product?
8. Favourite drugstore brand?
9. What is your biggest aim for your blog in 2014?
10. Are you a confident or shy person?
11. Boybands or girl bands? 

They are my set of 11 questions and I hope everybody I nominated enjoy creating their own blogpost about the Liebster awards!
Thankyou once again to the two blogs which nominated me!

Thanks for reading:)

Love Kieren x


  1. thanks!

    I've posted my answers to my questions here -

    honey bee x

    1. You're welcome, I love your blog:) I also filled out your survey for you too
      Kieren xx

  2. Great post, congrats on being nominated!

    1. Thankyou:) it was a very long post haha!
      I'm about to check out your blog now!
      Kieren xx

  3. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

  4. Thank you so much for the follow.
    Follow you back on bloglovin.
    Lovely greets from germany ;-)

    1. No problem, thanks for checking out my blog:)
      I love Germany, I really want to visit haha.
      Kieren x

  5. I nominated you too!
