Sunday 12 January 2014

My winter clothing essentials

Hi everyone,

As it's winter and very very cold in England, I have been looking for a few staple pieces that I could continue to wear throughout the cold months.
For Christmas (I got it just before Christmas because I couldn't wait to wear it), I got a new coat. I'd been looking for one for a while which was a dark burgundy colour with fur as that's what I saw a lot of celebs and style icons wearing. I finally found the perfect one in Tescos! I love Tescos clothes and can always count on them to find some lovely items.  Both my sister and I got coats  from Tescos as they had a fab selection and  there was a huge sale!!
I got mine for £25 down from  £40 and my sisters was £35 down from £45 I think. Absolute bargain I say!

I wear it with everything, but if I'm having a full on lazy day where all I want to do is wear black (all the time hahaha), I just chuck on a pair of black jeans/leggings and a black top and my coat jazzes it up a little.
I also am loving this tartan scarf from the trusty Primark. I'm not so keen on Primark clothes, you can sometimes find some great things but I prefer to only buy accessories & shoes from Primark now. My sister got me it for Christmas, I got her the same one hahaha, and I wear it a lot underneath my coat. If I'm wearing my black top and black bottoms a tartan scarf is what makes it less boring.

The scarf was £4, fabby price, thanks sis! 

My last staple item for Winter is my high boots from Dorothy Perkins! Everyone needs a pair of black boots and I have about 3 pairs of ankle ones so I decided to go for a high pair. They have gold detailing on the buckle and that goes around the back of the ankle, if you get me haha.
I absolutely love them and Dorothy Perkins always have sales or some kind of percentage off so you  would never be paying full price. They were £40 full price and I paid £31! If I could, I'd buy two pairs because I love them so much, so so comfy and a bargain for a pair of boots which are worn a huge amount. I will defiantly be wearing them throughout the winter months and they will be put away to be ready to re appear in my shoe collection at the earliest show of autumn...

What are your staple items for winter? Let me know in the comments:)

Thanks for reading:)

Love Kieren x


  1. Those boots are gorgeous, wish I could get away with high boots but my short legs wont allow it! X

  2. gorgeous boots!

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